
Navigate Medicare & Medicaid Reimbursement

Visualize facility reimbursement rates with breakdowns for therapy, CMI, nursing category, and more. Get a more accurate financial picture of Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement via your existing data with Megadata.

Cross-Facility Reimbursement Comparisons

Daily Reimbursement Rate by Resident

PDPM Trend Reporting

LTC data analysis function score laptop
Depression rate reimbursement report

Trusted by Long-Term Care Organizations Across the U.S.

Hill Valley ClientAperion Care ClientExtended Care ClientAutumn Lake ClientInfinite Care ClientCare Rite Client
The Megadata Difference

Healthcare Leaders Trust Insights from Megadata

Levi Israel Testimonial Video
Extended Care Icon
Levi Israel
CEO, Extended Care
“I’ve been very happy working with Megadata. Both the pre-fab reporting they provide, the customer service to create new reporting, and the excel connect that allows me to customize my own reports. It really allows me to go into one platform and have everything I need to make informed decisions on a daily basis.”
Infinite Care Icon
Shulem Holtzman
Director of Labor Operations, Infinite Care
“When I started here, almost every building was using agency. Now, because of Megadata, only one building still needs agency support. Out of 23 buildings.”
MB Healthcare Logo
Yonty Pilchick, BSN, RN, EMT-B
Director of Clinical Reimbursement, MB Healthcare
“By providing me the data in real time, it eliminates the need to create my own spreadsheets... and allows me more time to focus on more important tasks.”
Let's All Care a Little Smarter

Inspire a Data Driven Culture with Megadata

Efficiency and adaptability is the name of the game in long-term care. Let's get you to the forefront of the industry together.
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